Using Power In Organization

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Using Power in Organization

Using Power in Organization


Power play focus on the attention on the difference which exist between the groups and individuals and the variety of interest and goals. Power is considered to be positive and the politicking in companies might be resented power which is about the creative actions of people and possibilities regarding the organizational change. There are many terms which are related to power which is influence, control and authority that are used interchangeably. The power of levels in organization can be organizational, institutional and processual. The link with power in organization places an emphasis on the process instead of managerial decision and structure. The organizational power limits the options and the various types of power that arise from various resources and also co-exist in the organizations (


Key Challenges to be addressed

The main challenges that need to be addresses by the CEO and his management team are as:

The first challenge is that as Carlos Cramer has become the interim director of Corporate Identity Marketing, he has made a proposal to the management team for expanding the European Advertising Division to include the global portfolio of Corporate Identity Marketing. The EAD is currently being run by Carlos Cramer and it is a larger organization as compared to CIM and is organized on the basis of its major markets. However, the main functions are coordinated at a corporate level. It focuses on managing the accounts of clients in each of the European Country. Every country of operations has its own creative department which has a great amount of autonomy at each country.

On the other hand, CIM is based in London and has it dealings across the world but almost seventy percent of its business is in US because its major clients are headquartered there. This CIM division has high level of entrepreneurship and the main reason for its success is its maintenance of dedicated client focus in which the success is derived from the proper knowledge of the unique market with a great emphasis on innovation and creativity (

The challenge has been in the issue of determining whether this proposal should be accepted. The other members of the management team are against this proposal, because the reason for the success of CIM has been in the entrepreneurship that exists in the division. Both of the businesses are also different from one another because the target market and ...
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