Victims And Crime Evaluation

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Victims and Crime Evaluation

Victims and Crime Evaluation


The victims and crime are increasing in the society as the time progresses. The criminal justice system was ruling in the state for the safety and security of the citizens. It involves the crime investigations as to reduce the criminal acts from the society. The victims have to deal with the criminal justice system in the United States. The role of the prosecutor was valuated. Moreover the Defense attorney and the victimization impact on the citizens and the legal implications of the safety and security of the citizens is depicted as the time proceeds. The legal proceeding is depicted in the victims and crime evaluation in the United States laws.


The criminal justice system was the crimes and the penalties that violate the laws of the state. There is no single criminal justice system in the United States but there was a similar individual system that exists in the society. There is the state and federal criminal justice system that prevails among the citizens of the state (Fagin, 2007). The state criminal justice system caters the crimes that were committed within the state boundaries. Moreover the federal criminal justice system handles the crimes at the federal level that is ruling in more than one state. Criminal and Victim is of prime importance in accordance with the criminal justice system.


In the prosecution of the court the prosecutor is the chief legal representative in the United States court (The Criminal Justice System, 2013). There person is accused and breaks the laws of the state however the prosecutor is the legal party that presents the case of the person in the court and under the legal circumstances the person would be punished accordingly.

Defense Attorney

Defense Attorney is the person that would be in defense of the offensive person. The individual have committed the offence and the defense attorney is the person that saves his or her client in the court (The Criminal Justice System, 2013). The individual and companies were charged for the criminal conduct and to save them form legal implications the defense attorney is the defenses lawyer that clarifies their client point of view in the court.

Criminal and Victim

The criminal and the victim enter into the court for the case proceedings and they played a major role in the court of United States. The criminal is the person that have committed the crime a break the rules and regulations (The Criminal Justice System, 2013). The criminal have worked against the legal regulations and the laws were broken by the criminals. The victim is the person that is suffered from the legal activities and changed against the criminal acts.

The Effects of Victimization on theses Individuals

The research studies suggests that there are extreme effects of the crime upon the victim and the victim suffers format he psychological harm that exists in the state (Devalve, 2005). The effects of victimization are negative and the person suffered from psychological consequence as to lead a respectful ...
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