Was John Brown A Patriot In United Culture?

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Was John Brown a patriot in United Culture?

Was John Brown a patriot in United Culture?


No people in the history of the world have ever been so misunderstood, so misjudged, and so cruelly maligned (John Brown).

Patriotism, is, unlike nationalism, a sentiment, not a doctrine. It involves love of and support for one's country, which, while etymologically one's 'fatherland', i.e. native land, may be an adoptive homeland, though not, perhaps, as the Latin motto ubi bene ibi patria has it, simply the place where one is well off. Yet, in classical republicanism , by contrast with most sorts of nationalism, there is a connection between the fact that one's country benefits one and one's supposed special obligation to love and support it. Enemies of such special obligations, like cosmopolitans (e.g. Martha Nussbaum ), thus tend to be suspicious of patriotism, while communitarians (e.g. Alasdair MacIntyre) are more favourably disposed to it. Its bad press 'the last refuge of a scoundrel' ( Samuel Johnson ), 'no patriot yet but was a fool' ( Dryden ) is referable to the fact either that it may, as a sentiment, be unreasonably immoderate, or that, as Hume argued, it involves pride in what relates to oneself, which, while natural, cannot be justified to those with other attachments. John Brown was a fervent leader in the abolitionist movement. He was the third child of Owen and Ruth Mills Brown, in Torrington, Connecticut, but was raised in Ohio. Young John, brought up in a devoutly Christian household, was taught that slavery was evil. That upbringing formed Brown into a powerfully persuasive abolitionist. Unlike many abolitionists at the time, he supported the use of violence to end slavery.

1859 Raid and John Brown

Reynolds (2005) argued that one hundred and fifty years ago John Brown and his band of abolitionists began the raid on the town of Harpers Ferry in Virginia. The purpose of John Brown was to trigger an uprising of slaves, arm them and destroy slavery. But the project soon degenerated and ironically it was their first victim of a freed slave. Although the band was able to seize the arsenal, the Virginia militia who rushed on site together with some companies of the Federal blockade of John Brown and his men in the village. At the end of three days there were victims, some civilians, including the mayor of the city, two marines and a good part of Brown's men including her children. In 1859 the situation in America was very tense but until then, had never reached such a clash, if not only in the distant frontier in Kansas. This raid of 1859 led to violence in the east and south by the estranged definitely saw that actually threatened by a violent force that kills innocent civilians. The raid was one of the major sparks that were the cause of the Civil War. Abolitionism was the threat to alienate the South or the fact that the people of the north, financed by wealthy northerners, could go home ...
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