Wind Farms: The Perfected Solution?

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Wind Farms: the Perfected Solution?

Birmingham School of the Built Environment, Birmingham City University,

Curzon Street, Birmingham, B4 7XG


Wind energy is becoming a critical technology for providing the British citizens with renewable energy, and the rapid construction of wind facilities have had a huge impact on both the wildlife, and human communities. Understanding both the social and ecological issues related to wind energy development could provide a framework for effectively meeting human energy needs while conserving species biodiversity. In this research study I will focus on certain aspects associated with the development of wind energy, along with studying public attitudes towards the development of wind energy, and the impact o these wind facilities on the wild life. This research study present aspects of wind energy development that have been the subject of increasing study, this preliminary research is intended to demonstrate the responsibility we have to making well-informed decisions as we continue to expand wind energy development. Additionally, I hope to generate interest in interdisciplinary study as a means to broaden the scope of research by making use of the diverse tools available within different disciplines.

Key Words: Wind farms, electricity, wind turbines, energy, wind power


This is a multi disciplinary research study conducted in the field of Environmental and Conservation Sciences program. Environmental and Conservation Sciences program is an interdisciplinary program, it is a logical step to conduct a project that crosses over disciplines and utilizes the varied tools each discipline has available to reveal an in-depth picture of an environmental issue currently facing society. The intent o this research study was to demonstrate the value of this type of study and to create a baseline for future research.

Wind energy has rapidly become a critical technology for providing renewable energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In Europe in 2011, wind power made up 6.3% of their electricity needs. In particular, Denmark led with 26%, Spain 15.9%, and Germany 10.6% of their electricity coming from wind power in 2011. Twenty-nine states have renewable portfolio standards, which mandate that a certain percentage of the state's energy be produced by renewable sources by a certain year. A significant increase in wind energy development is occurring across the country and with this rapid growth come diverse issues that need to be taken into consideration. As wind energy involves many stakeholders and is a complex and multifaceted undertaking, it is important to understand the varied perspectives involved in its development (Saidur, 2011, pp. 2423-2430).

As the number of wind energy project increases across the United Kingdom, the number of communities impacted by these facilities increases as well. It is important that the perceptions and concerns of the communities impacted by these wind energy facilities are understood and taken into consideration when these facilities are built and maintained. The following research was conducted to measure public attitudes towards the establishment of Wind Farms inside their communities.

The development of a wind energy facility involves many different stakeholders, each with their own concerns. Locations with plentiful wind resources must be ...