Work Groups

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Pros & Cons of Work group in Higher Education

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Research Strategy1

Collection of Data2

Ethics of Research3

Project Plan4

Searching for Data4

Project Plan for the Current Paper5

Pros and Cons of Group Work in Higher Education Learning6

Critical Reflection8


Pros & Cons of Work group in Higher Education


There is a lot of debate regarding work group assignments. Educators and students often claim that such assignments are poorly managed by students who fail to properly assign the work among the team members. As a result, all the workload falls on one or two students while the rest take a free ride (Carrico & Riemer, 2011, 1-13). The result is that such assignments fail to meet their objectives because every student may have not participated. The purpose of education is to increase the knowledge of students and help built their character. However, if students begin to cheat their teachers by making a few people in the group to carry out the work, the education provided would not be successful (Orr, 2010, 301-313).

Teachers also have a view that work groups are essential because they develop the skills needed to work in groups. Since at work, the students would be working as a team, they would not be successful if they do not know the way by which they should be working as a team (Ball & Forzani, 2009, 497-511).

Research Strategy

In order to conduct this research, information from the internet would be used because of the easy of extracting information. Compared to physical prints, electronic databases make it easier and save time in searching for information. Electronic media could also help by presenting information on a variety of topic (Maiden & Perry, 2011, 451-464).

Research strategies being used today are very different from what were being used in the past. The internet has made research easier but since anyone can upload content of his choice, the relevancy and validity of information can be questionable. In the past, when the internet has not yet been created, research required a library and some skills of extracting data from printed resources (De Klerk & Sotirov, 2010, 225-246). The internet is a completely different medium with a significantly different mode of searching. Which searching for information online, it is important to judge the relevancy of the information present.

The amount of information available online is so much that it becomes difficult for researchers to determine which pieces of information they should use in their research. It is also very common for conflicting results to appear which makes it all the more difficult to judge the relevance of the each topic.

Collection of Data

When one is searching the internet for data, it is advised that domain names such as .gov, .org, .edu and other relevant domains are used. Such domains have relevant and correct information. Blogs and wikis should always be avoided because anyone can edit them. In this way, they are not reliable and may even be the opposite of reality. Although the internet is the most valuable source of data, it is not ...
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