Working Full Time While Going Back To School With A Family

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Essay on working full time while going back to school with a family


As we continue to live in a world surrounded by increasingly tough and competitive environment deviating the individuals away from the once held American dream while at the same time raising the bars to survive and manage living even a simple mediocre life, in times like these one is left with no other option but to multi task. This struggle for mere survival starts from a very early point and lasts till the end. One of the most frequent questions surfacing on the minds of many adults nowadays is the question of choosing between work and studies. But no matter what the circumstances might be, in the end, the increasing rate of inflation, competitiveness in work place and diversity leaves you with no other choice but juggle both of them together to the best of your limits.


Surprisingly, today as I continue to work full time to support my family while at the same time go back to school to complete my education, I have come to realize that nowadays, more and more adults are opting for returning back to school in order to not only complete their education but at the same time refine and polish their skills and improving their knowledge so that in turn they can become more competitive and have a better shot at landing on an ideal job or sometimes even change careers. Consequently, whatever the reason might be for choosing to go back to school while working full time, being away from the academic environment for a long time may require or take up some time to get used to the old routine. The key over here to all this is planning. Extensive and detailed planning regarding different aspects of your life not ...
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