An Analysis Of Changes In The Standard Of Living During The Industrial Revolution In England

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An analysis of changes in the standard of living during the industrial revolution in England


The Industrial Revolution in the 1700's and early 1800's, many changes have occurred in the life and work of people in different parts of the world. These changes occurred as a result of industrialization (Hobsbawm 1957 46). The term Industrial Revolution refers to both the changes that have occurred in the period itself.

The Industrial Revolution created a huge increase in production of many goods. Some of these production increases resulting from the introduction of mechanical machinery and plant development organization. Before the revolution, the production was done by hand or simple machines. Most people worked at home in the rural areas. A few worked in shops in towns within the association workshops. The Industrial Revolution eventually took manufacturing out of the house and workshop. Mechanical machines replaced manual work and factories developed as the best way to combine machines and workers to manage them.

Historians have disagreed on the value of the industrial revolution. Some of them stressed that the importance of the revolution in a significant increase in the production of goods (Hartwell 1961 397). They argue that this growth has done more during the 1800's to raise people's standard of living than all the actions of legislative bodies and trade unions. Other historians emphasize the negative part of the revolution. They point to the overcrowded and unsanitary housing and terrible working conditions created by rapid industrialization in the cities. Life before the Industrial Revolution

On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, at least 10 percent of the people of Europe lived in cities (Mokyr 1988 658). The rest lived in small towns and villages scattered across the countryside. These people spent most of his working day farming. If they could sell surplus food in nearby towns, they grew a little more than they need for themselves. People in rural areas made the most of their clothes, furniture, tools, and from raw materials produced on farms and in forests.

Before the industrial revolution, some branches in Western Europe. Not only production was conducted in the guild stores in the cities. Artisans in shops worked with simple tools to make products such as cloth, hardware, jewelry, leather goods, silver and weapons. Some of the products manufactured in the cities were exchanged for food raised in the countryside. City production is exported to pay for luxury items from abroad, or they were sent to the colony as payment for raw materials.

Life was hard for most people. They lived under the constant threat that their crops may fail. Although few people are starving, many of them suffered from malnutrition. As a result, they caught a lung disease, and epidemics were commonplace. Most of the employees is not enough, and earned a bit. Only a few people enjoy more income, usually because they owned land, held public office, or failed in business (Williamson1981 75). Some money was saved or invested in a business enterprise. In fact, ...
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