Sanitation Condition During First Industrial Revolution

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Sanitation Condition during First Industrial Revolution

Annotated Bibliography for Sanitation Conditions during the First Industrial Revolution

Ashton, T. S. (1997). The Industrial Revolution, 1760-1830, New York: Oxford University Press.

Being the professional economic historians of the first generation writing in Britain, Ashton came to prominence after World War I. He along with J. H. Clapham, were the most important writers who challenged the dominant pessimistic interpretation, which argued that the standard of living of the working class deteriorated during the classic period of industrialization. Ashton in this book also proposed that perchance the material condition of the population during the industrial revolution had not been as austere as had been squabbled. Ashton's short book, The Industrial Revolution, 1760-1830, was first published in 1948 and was reissued in 1997, with an introduction by Pat Hudson. In this book, Ashton argued eloquently that the living standard had improved for the general people all through the first half of the ninteenth century and that it was industrialization that had provided the workers a prospect for freedom through the arrival of democracy and the institution of trade unions.

Hobsbawm, E. (1996). The Age of Revolution: 1789-1848. New York: Vintage Books.

Hobsbawm's Age of Revolution perceives western history in a particularly non-American approach. In this book, Hobsbawm deals with the crucial era that started with the French Revolution and ended with the revolutions of 1848 including the Industrial Revolution. He writes as from the perspective of a generalist for a common history reader. In this book, Hobsbawm points towards the sanitation condition during first industrial revolution along with some other important issues. He writes in his book that the transformation of Great Britain to an urban, industrialized society brought almost half of the population to cities by the year 1851. During the reign of Queen Victoria, the population of Great ...
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