Are Burned-Out Nurses Linked To More Infections In Patients?

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Are Burned-out nurses linked to more infections in patients?

Are Burned-out nurses linked to more infections in patients?


In this assignment we will be focusing on the fact that whether the burned-out nurses are the reason for the increased infections within the patients because the nurses play an important role in the health of the patients. By looking at different studies this has been proved right that the increased number of burnout nurses is resulting in infection found by many researchers. The main reason behind the burnout is connected to their jobs and their attitude towards it that involved their personal accomplishment and feelings on depersonalization. It also showed that level of nurse's emotional exhaustion that is the major factor within the burnout syndrome. The working conditions of these nurses create a huge impact on their attitude towards their patients.

Hospitals that provide improved working environments for the nurse's have been resulting in increased safety especially for the elderly patients in the intensive care unit that was found out in a report where they identified the rates of infections associated with the hospitals. This is becoming a serious issue in the United States because the infections that the patients get from the hospitals has been resulting in increased number of death and is the sixth cause of death within the US. And the nursing department is known to be the largest among the nation's workforce and is standing in a significant position where they are striving to impact on the safety positively in order to improve the environment of the healthcare and ICU's systematically.

In a similar data related to the staffing of the nursing showed an outcome that about 51 hospitals who had higher rates of staffing the nurses demonstrated decreased level of patients who were affected with infections since they didn't get burn out or over worked. Increased levels of the overtime durations resulted in higher rates of skins ulcers and infections. On an average the nurses were working 5.6 % overtime regularly. This specific finding is capable of supporting the systematic approach designed to improve the working conditions of the nurses that will also result in the safety of the patients. Researchers identified a number of measures for working conditions in order to assess the effect of infections associated with the hospitals. They also focused on magnet accreditation and hospital profitability. But all the findings ended up on the fact that higher staffing was needed in order to decrease the incidents of (CLBSI) “central line associated bloodstream infections that is a general cause of death within the settings of intensive care. A number of measures like skin ulcers and ventilator associated pneumonia that are frequent among the patients who are hospitalize and are unable to move on the regular basis was also been observed to be reduced because of increased staffing. Lesser deaths took place in the hospital within 30 days who were among the units of higher staffed. Another frequent cause of these infections were the increased hours of working ...
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