Arlington Film Company Project

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Arlington Film Company Project

Executive Summary

This thesis studies the depiction of military life and actions in war movies. The public's perception of the military is shaped through a variety of means, one of which is the feature film showing at the local theater. The increase in population and the decrease in the size of the military have greatly enlarged the percent of the population that are not associated with a serviceperson or a veteran of one of the services. Their only means of obtaining information on the status and professionalism of the military is through what they are fed via the media. The movies produced by filmmakers within the United States affect the recruiting and public perception of the military through their portrayal of events, missions, and personnel. It is important for the Department of Defense and those serving to understand the significance that these films can have on the audience. Films are studied for historical accuracy, the making of the film to include Department of Defense assistance and input, and the portrayal of the soldiers, both officers and enlisted. This thesis concludes that war movies follow historical accuracy as closely as possible within resource constraints as long as the historical content is a good story.

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Arlington Film Company Project4



Problem Statement4






Arlington Film Company Project


War is the ultimate test. War challenges the body and soul, both mentally and physically. War intrigues people from all walks of life. The question of why nations start wars is a lingering one with many hypotheses but no finite answers. Still, wars are fascinating and historians study wars and continue to ponder the question of why. Why Pickett's charge? Why the charge of the light brigade? What could that commander have been thinking when he ordered that attack? Armchair generals re-fight wars through board and computer games. They demonstrate their tactical acumen when they briefly change history with the outcome they desired or justified to themselves, just to answer the rhetorical question of why. The fascination of war engulfs many, intrigues some, baffles most, and disgusts plenty. It has shaped the borders of the modern world and bewitched scholars and common people alike.


Problem Statement

The purpose of this thesis is to provide the reader with an understanding of how war movies are produced and what, if any, affect their popularity has on the military.


Movie selection criteria were based on a number of issues. First, due to time constraints, not all war movies ever made could possibly be reviewed for historical accuracy in the given time period. Second, not all movies are made for the same reasons. Some are based on historical facts while others are fiction and made purely for entertainment. For this reason, comedies were eliminated, as most clearly were not made to demonstrate any type of historical accuracy (Hoyt, Edwin P., 1988).

Third, the scope was designed to study filmmaking over time to gain a better understanding of the changes in Department of Defense involvement, filmmaker's military experience, and special effects over ...
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