Assignment Number 6.

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Assignment number 6.

Assignment number 6.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this paper is to identify motivational techniques that are being used in different organizations. The organizations that will be analyzed is Hewlett-Packard that are named in the top Fortune 500 companies. These companies build on the principle that individuals act in ways to take full advantage of the value of exchange with the organization. Research and theory building in goal setting, reward systems, leadership, and job design have advanced our understanding of organizational behavior.


Motivating employees to excel in any business is a topic of great practical concern to employers, and of great theoretical concern to researchers. Education and continued training on the topic appear with increasing frequency and relevant research is proliferating at a rapid rate. Corporations are beginning to provide assistance to employees, especially new ones, to develop skills. One of the greatest challenges and opportunities of the 21st century will be for businesses at all levels to focus more on helping employees to become motivated so they can succeed in the corporate world today. In this paper, these organizations will be analyzed as how they utilize this theories and models along with the motivational methods they use.

HP will reorganise its sales force on an account basis. Sales representatives will attack the downstream, midstream and upstream business on the 3 fronts at the same time. Sales representatives will pool their forces. They will be helped by technical support employees to identify and quote the most basic orders. A key account manager (KAM) will work close to sales representative and will be in charge of identifying new opportunities for upstream projects. He will be also responsible for establishing relationships with clients at senior levels and develop customer intimacy and trust. As soon as any opportunity of an upstream project is detected, the KAM can call a consultant from a special HP unit. This unit encompasses the most experienced technical support specialists that have demonstrated high commercial skills and a strong customer orientation. The focus is on long-term relationships with clients, and to show how much HP is ready to invest in them. Possibly, a field support engineer could be affected on a part-time basis to work on client site and sustain permanently HP technical image and expertise (even though there is no real technical reasons that would have motivated his/her coming). Figure 4 illustrates this strategy.

Human resources

The success of this strategy will be largely based on the choice the key account managers, that will lead salesmen, consultants and FSS employees. This position requires high communication and listening skills to deal not only with customers, but also to motivate sales teams.

Theories and Models

First, while there are many specific forms of motivational theories, those that are most appropriate in discussing are the expectancy theory, need theory and the equality theory. It appears that they may attribute a significant part of the success of to their unique motivational strategy. The following example from Park and Burrows (2003) states Michael 's philosophy, "He believes ...
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