Biological Aspects Of Addiction

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Biological aspects of addiction

[Name institution]Abstract

This research paper deals with the study of different biological factors of addictive behaviors. There are certain addictions which creates a lot of problems for the person to get rid of. These biological addictive behaviors are discussed from different perspectives such as biological factors of addictive behavior, clinical issues, clinical treatment and different ethical issues while dealing with the addictive behavior. The study further contains vast research over different reasons and implications of the clinical treatment of individual who are facing the problem of addictive behaviors. Furthermore, the main part of the study deals with the addictive behavior and Christian point of view. There are also many ideas for Christian counselors which can be very much helpful and supportive to deal with addictive behaviors. The Christian counselors are suggested to counsel the patients who are suffering from addictive behavior on the basis of biological aspects of addictive behaviors.

Biological aspects of addiction

Description of addictive behavior

Addiction is a chronic disease that develops gradually allowing the subject of addiction momentary making adjustments to the disease and making them able to continue functioning even sick. Addiction as compulsive habits, behaviors are highly hazardous to health to the extent that: an addiction refers to loss of self-control and dependency. An addiction can be witnessed when a person's behavior leads to a dependency on an object e.g., smoking or activity e.g. playing. This dependence causes the gradual reduction of the range of interests of the subject and because of their obligations. The main feature of addictive behavior is the ability to generate in the addicted person the feeling of comfort and immediate gratification (Karson, 2007).

In this sense, simulate alleviate the psychological distress that can cause stress, distress, anxiety and other negative emotions, becoming a negative style of coping with these emotions. For this feature, this type of behavior produce dependence leads people unlike finally wanted to achieve increasingly higher intensities needed to experience the feeling of gratification. Thus, what at first seemed a coping behavior, to adapt to the situations in that one lives, ends up structured as maladaptive and self-destructive behavior. Any addictive behavior, to evolve, causes progressive deterioration of the subject, either, and especially, in their physical and mental health in general and, by interfering in their daily lives: in their relationships with others and in conducting their normal duties (Marlatt, 2011).

Biological aspects of addictive behavior

Mental illness

Addiction is a mental illness that is caused by chronic intake of drugs, which can change the mental state of the person causing euphoria, sedation, agitation, hyperactivity, psychosis, hallucinations, Aneroid. Addiction appears irresistible attraction to the permanent acceptance of drugs in increasing amounts to the loss of control of their use, and is almost always accompanied by the development of abstinence in their cancellation. Drug use leads to the development of psychological dependence syndrome.

With prolonged use of a number of drugs developed deregulation of neurotransmitter systems, which leads to the formation of physical dependence. When stopped taking the drug develop ...
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