Buffalo Reproductive Cycle

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Buffalo Reproductive Cycle

Buffalo Reproductive Cycle

The buffalo is a bovid with internal genital organs similar to those observed in cows with slight differences. The behavior can be defined as breeding animal's response to a series of events that begin when the single delivery during the postpartum resumption of ovarian activity, conception and implementation of a new embryo until the completion of a pregnancy. Among the reproductive parameters is important to note the rapid process of involution, which can allow us to obtain a calving interval between 12 and 13 months although this species has a gestation period of 315 days, another feature is its character polyestrous with marked seasonal trend in births, which influenced by physiological factors, health, nutritional, and environmental management issues (humidity, precipitation, evaporation, hours of light.), Resulting in more than 75% of births among the months of August through December. (Wolfenson, 1995, 1106)

Female Reproductive Anatomy

The anatomical location of the internal genital organs of buffalo is similar to the cow. The ovaries are a small almond shaped and measure 1.5 to 2 cm long, 1 to 2 cm wide and 1 to 1.5 cm from the meso-binding free edge. (Information staff after transrectal palpation and 1559 buffalo's assessment ultrasound). Jainudeen et. al. in 1983 observed by transrectal palpation and laparoscopic ovarian ovoid and firm texture of 2 to 3 cm long, 1 to 1.5 cm wide and 1 to 2 cm thick. The oviducts or uterine tubes are thick-walled (abundant muscle tissue), deeply embedded in rigid and the broad ligaments, play roles give way to the eggs and sperm in opposite directions, help prepare the egg, fertilization promote and regulate transport of the egg.

The uterine horns are extremely twisted about themselves. The uterine body is extremely short 0.94 cm, others point to a length of 0.74 cm. The cervix is a structure type sphincter thick-walled tortuous and small light that projected caudally into the vagina. The neck ring can be three in number to five, observing that they do not hypertrophy in multiparous buffaloes. (Tompkins, 1967, 377)

Reproduction is a necessary and important step in the production of milk. Without regular calving when the buffalo produces milk to feed her calf, it would be impossible to produce the desired amount of milk. It is also important to produce enough heifers to replace buffalos and increase the size of the herd. The replacement rate around 20 to 25%. If replacement needs are more important, they highlight health problems and small animal comfort. (Thatcher, 1974, 304)

Today, artificial insemination (AI) commonly used instead of bulls. Artificial insemination allows better control of reproduction and provides dairy farmers selected seeds from genetic breeding programs to improve the genetics of a herd. However, it requires at the same time careful planning, work routines well organized and brilliant observations. Another method is to use the embryo transfer. Although this method is relatively far from common, it tends to gain importance. The main benefit of embryo transplants is that it allows to get more calves from an authentic buffalo. Like all female mammals, reproductive function of the buffalo characterized by a ...
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