Cell Phones

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Cell Phone Etiquette

[Institution name]Cell Phone Etiquette


Our generation has witnessed many amazing inventions of the current age. Television in 1950s, Internet revolution of 1990s and cell phone technology, all these inventions have changed the way we communicate. Today, billions of people have a mobile phone connection, and this technology has become a global phenomenon. Cell phones have taken place of landline, and more and more people are using cell phones in social situations (Mccluggage, 2009). Cell phones are our best companions today, which use on a regular basis in our daily lives.

Cell phone Etiquettes

As in many other areas, the use of mobile phone, or cell, as known in other countries, has no official regulations regarding its use, but if there is an unwritten code that is fairly widespread, well accepted by users of this communication device.

Mobile phone use, involves minimum rules respecting education, in some cases, as everyone can see, there are known and respected by users misusing your phone.

A device like the mobile phone, which comes at all times, everywhere and can "travel" in almost any place, is good to have some guidelines for the use does not become abuse (“Cell Phone Hang”, 2009).

Communication revolution

Today's mobile technology is a natural consequence of continues development of radio communication, which begin in 1800s. Marconi has played a very crucial role in the development of radio technology. This technology continually grew in early and mid 1900s. Communications used by Marines was very beginning of mobile technology. The development of the transistor was a breakthrough, which eventually led to another bid innovation in radio-based mobile technology. During 1980s, various mobile telephony standards were developed in U.S. In Europe, NMT became first successful cellular system, which also allowed international roaming. Afterwards, there has been no stopping of innovations that have been accomplished within the mobile industry.

Innovations and applications such as GSM, SMS, MMS, Edge, 2G, 3G and many more are in the pipeline. All these technologies have changed our social life, and there is no doubt that future innovations will continually affect our current social boundaries.

Cell phone and social life

The theme of the social impact of information technology and communication is currently treated as a logical response to the expectations and concerns generated by the proliferation and dynamic development of these technologies. However, it often loses sight of the profound changes occur in this field is not exhausted in its technological component, but which include social factors relating to the use of information and the role of knowledge today and in the immediate future. New questions are open and therefore, increase the demands on the scholars who are forced to take new perspectives theoretical and methodological approaches to address them.

Proper Use of Cell Phone

Use your cell phone on vibrate.

The phone rings and you distract everyone unless you're in a place outside or you run the risk of not feeling the vibration either because you are walking or women because they let in from her purse.

Do not put music on speakers.

They play music on your ...
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