Cell Phones Allowed Or Banned In Schools

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Cell Phones Allowed or Banned in Schools


The use of mobile phones by ever younger children is increasing despite international recommendations that children should use mobile phone technology with caution, if at all, because the risk of severe adverse health effects cannot be ruled out. Mobile phone related companies, often in collaboration with the entertainment industry, seem to be specifically targeting the child market. The phone is on all aspects of daily life. Now the mobile wave reached the primary and secondary schools in Argentina. On the other hand, parents defend their children and say it is for the safety of the children.

The reality of the risks seems to be growing as the studies show increased possibility of developing health problems, even life-threatening illnesses, with even short exposure to mobile phone radiation.

Discussion and Analysis

The use of mobile phones has enabled the school to parents, governments and school officials see the violence-taking place in schools. Many cases of school violence that videotaped by the students themselves, manifestations of violence that sometimes surprisingly develop within schools. Alternatively, is this 'normal', or educational institutions are not fulfilling their functions and objectives. Perhaps students are misusing the technology, but perhaps teachers are not doing a good job of counseling. What is certain is that the phones at school allowed to observe detail, make it open. Students videotaped drunk with cell phones, marijuana and even having sex in schools (Lennart, 12-23).

In the schools ban cell phone use in the classroom is the quick and easy exit when you have no idea how to use educational technology so, or do not want to make the discussions needed to justify and argue decisions. The reasons used by teachers and administrators to ban cell phone use in the classroom are those that involve this technology as an element that promotes entertainment for students and also serves as a distraction in the classroom. However, this is the lesser of two evils.

Is banning the right approach

It is a fact that despite the modern world and its innovations, the question arises that is it useful to ban a technology, which is generally funded and accepted by parents in order to maintain contact with their children. For e.g. where are you? What time are you? Did he go through you? Regulate the use of cell phones in school is the most immediately banned, withdrawn students, how difficult is to educate its students to understand where civic education is or is not appropriate to use the roads are easy and immediate favorites in the institutions that have no concrete proposals for solutions (Helle, 34-56).

Action taken against the cell phone usage

Given the problems caused by the misuse of cell phones, mainly for high-school students, the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP) will issue an agreement state shall enter into force on 20 August, by prohibiting the introduction and use of these devices in more than 11 000 public schools in Puebla.

The National Union of Parents (UNPF) warned in March that the mobile phone among school teams ...
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