Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud And 21st Century

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Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud and 21st Century


In this paper, we will discuss the theories presented by three of the most influential theorist of all time. The theories and concepts presented by Charles Darwin, Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, provide the basis for advanced studies. These theories, however, partially practice today, but they pioneered the modern studies in biology, economics, social studies and human psychology. The contribution of these founders of advanced studies is remarkable. The purpose of this paper is to identify the works of these three theorists and identify their relevance and acceptability in our postmodern society.

Charles Darwin

The question about the biggest troublemaker in the field of science would bring many votes for the biologists and geologists Charles Robert Darwin. To this day, some people not forgive Charles Darwin's assertion that humans come from the animal kingdom, primarily in the "Bible Belt" of the United States. Darwin never said that man is descended directly from apes, but there is an immediate kinship. Darwin suspected even then that the relationship between humans and apes had common ancestors to look into. This idea has now become a standard in biology.

Darwin hesitated long to publish his theory of the origin of species, as the theologians ruled at that time into not only in Rome but also in England to the natural sciences. The hardcore of Darwinian theories can be described as follows: In every animal and plant species, there are several variations in form and performance. The best each of the environmental conditions (temperature, light, food prices, etc.) adapted versions have a slightly better chance to reproduce. The circumstances are better adapted to select the various options. This mechanism leads over thousands of generations to shifts in the frequency distribution of variants, and finally due to temporal and spatial separation, the emergence of new species and to push back or to the total disappearance of an inappropriate custom types (McGrath, pp. 221-234). These laws of formation, coming, going and transforming are all living things and thus also subject to the man. Although Darwin's theory, especially by the then unknown laws of genetics, still had gaps. Darwin's theory is one of the basic features of the standard in theoretical biology. In the meantime, Darwin's theories by mutated rapidly growing knowledge initially to "advanced synthetic theory of evolution."

The debate about Darwin's theories is essentially complete. The main accusation against him is that he would represent the obviously false theory of survival of the fittest. Such a clear expression Darwin has never served. The phrase "Survival of the Fittest" has taken over Darwin. He appears in later editions of his books, and it is still translated incorrectly. The reason for sharp criticisms of Darwin's theories lies in the assertion that the origin of species subject to the laws of nature. Life seemed to have been scientifically unassailable. Darwin had, despite his agnostic attitude never tried to disprove a Creator God. The foundation of his life's work was the only scientific honesty.

Karl Marx

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