Child Abuse Link To Schizophrenia

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Child Abuse Link to Schizophrenia

Child Abuse Link to Schizophrenia


Child sex abuse could be defined as the involvement of immature in sexual activity, individuals who lack awareness of their actions as well as a choice. From this definition, it is clear that sexual abuse is certainly not an activity that necessarily entails the act of penetration. The key, however, is represented by the condition of the victim, unable to choose correctly or to understand what is happening or being proposed.

Sexual violence is one of the worst forms of violence which may be imposed on children. It can take many forms from incest, pornography, prostitution, human trafficking, sexual exploitation or abuse. Sex attacks on children are rare and are a sign of moral decay and degradation of society. Sexual abuse also includes acts such as blackmail, rape, forced sexual relations in a form acceptable for a woman, forced sexual relations in front of others or with others, causing pain and injury victims through acts of a sexual nature. Sexual violence is often present in situations of domestic violence and has a high latency.


In the most obvious and cruel person who suffers sexual abuse is unable to act freely. Sexual abuse, especially within the family, can certainly give rise to many psychological problems, including long-term and difficult to resolve spontaneously over a lifetime. The majority of sexual abuse within the family is done by the fathers, secondly by living in the household (grandparents, uncles, stepfathers, etc.) and as well as a minority, the mothers (about 7% of cases) (Sorenson, 2011).

Clinical research indicates that sexual abuse within the family can produce more serious damage, especially when you have the following characteristics

1. An intense bond with the person making the abuse

2. A long duration of abuse

3. Abuse remains hidden or is not recognized by the family

4. The abused person is not able to speak of what happened

According to U.S. data, every fourth or fifth child, and every seventh or ninth child under age 18 suffered some kind of sexual attack. Most often harass teenagers, but a quarter of such cases fall on children under 7 years old. Majority of sexual attacks committed outsiders. In fact, four out of five do those whom the child knows, some of the older members of his own family. Sexual attacks on children occur mostly in poor, uneducated, and among single-parent families. In fact, this happens in all walks of life, with all levels of education and income, in all ethnic and religious groups. If an adult, sexually abuses a child, he used to love, dependence or trust to satisfy his sexual desires - and it imposes its desire to bid, or to close it by force. It threatens the basic life and child development and affects his soul (Casey & Beadnell & Lindhorst, 2009).

During the disclosure, of incest girls experience severe neurotic or even psychotic reactions. It is desirable at this time supervision of an experienced psychiatrist or ...
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