Compare And Contrast Analysis

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Compare and contrast analysis


The paper is designed to sketch the comparison and contrast between the poem “Dog's Death” by John Updike and the short story “A Father's Story” by Andre Dubus. It must be noticed while writing about the comparing and contrasting paper that how the poem and a short story can describe the theme of Death and Impermanence in different style. The story is a narrative piece of work, which provides the complete description about characters, plot, theme, and final lesson. At contrast, poem is a complex and typical version of writing which is not narrative in nature but contains in-depth meanings in its phrasal words. A story is usually designed to provide some lesson to the reader, and on other hand, poem is a form of speech which shares experiences, or events without holding such ultimate lesson. In simple words, we can say that poem is a story rhyme without lesson and a narrative story is aimed to define final result or lesson to the readers. The story always contains proper beginning, plot, character development, middle events and final conclusion. On other hand, the poem does not necessarily mark a beginning middle, and end, but it is just an intellect and emotions of the story. The comparison and contrast of both literary pieces defines the ultimate zone of death and the type of emotions and feelings towards it.


Death is an infinite painful feeling which a person cannot easily describe. It is the ultimate and final possession of life, which has to lead on the ending way without any questions. The pain of someone's death cannot be realized until it is not experienced by own self, but unfortunately; no one will be available to listen your pain on that time. Both the poem and story contains the similar theme of Death but due to the change in genre, their emotions are different towards two different entities. The reason to chose the poem Dog's Death and story A father's story was due to the fact that how emotion, feeling, love and care for family members or beloved makes person sobs and walks on the wrong direction (Taylor, 1991).


The poem “Dog's Death” discloses the tale about the death of a dog, which is extremely beloved to his family member that brought up him. The story covers the significant occasions in the poetic style that expresses the deep for the dog. In the poem, the importance of the animal is also reinforced by firm signs of personification. The treatment towards dog was as if as the part of family and loved more than a family member. This scenario of feelings and emotions for a dog shows the attachment to one person to other entity. The content of the poem is sad and complex in nature. Dog's Death does not portray the clear ownership, as the reading of the poem suggest that the speaker can be an adult man, probable a husband or a father, as it is not evidently ...
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