Comparison And Contrast Of 18th Century Slavery

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Comparison and contrast of 18th Century Slavery

Comparison and contrast of 18th Century Slavery


The word "slave" comes from "Slav", name of the peoples enslaved by Emperor Othonle Grand of the 10th century. In antiquity, owning slaves was a sign of wealth. Slavery is related to the settlement. In the 9th AD, the political upheavals (caused by the barbarian invasions and the installation of the feudal system) lead to the downfall of slavery. Slavery involves the possession of one person by another or a group of people. In other words, the slaves are property, from which can be removed by the whim of the owner. This paper is a comparison and contrast of the 18th century slavery in the North and South America.


The slavery in the United States is the continuation and development of slavery, which already existed in the 13 colonies from which the United States was emerged in 1776. The colonization of the Americas, from 16th to 19th Century was accompanied by a mass enslavement of Africans (as cheap labor) were used in all parts of the sparsely populated continent. In the North American continent became slavery manifestations that were unique to the double continent, and after the founding of the US it got caught between an economy that was built on the labor of slaves, and prominently the political program of a young nation, whose self-image the idea of freedom underlay. At the time of the Declaration of Independence, there were more than 460,000 slaves in the United States. The northern states, had in their economic life, the slaves never played a big role, soon began to abolish slavery, which was a process that proved to be lengthy, however, it was completed, and in some cases only in the southern states slavery was inextricably linked with the expanding economy, ...
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