Consolidated Chicken Products

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Consolidated Chicken Products

Consolidated Chicken Products

Is there a reasonable basis for believing that the company is discriminating against women? If so, explain what it is and if not, explain why not.

There is surely a reasonable basis for believing that the company is discriminating against women. The major discriminatory factor can be seen very clearly by analyzing the results of job evaluations for plant jobs in table 1 mentioned below.


Results of Job Evaluation for Plant Jobs




Pay Range




















It is clearly evident from Table 1, that the pay of the average women worker, working in the production department of the plant, is less than the average pay of men, working in the production department of plant. Comparing the average men pay of labor grade 1 that is $10.02 and the average pay of women that are $7.05 it can be concluded that women working in the production department are being paid around thirty percent less than their male counter parts.

It is surely a notable proof that the company is discriminating against women, as they are being paid less than men working in the same department at the same labor grade.

Is there reason to believe that women could file an equal pay lawsuit? If so, explain the reason and if not, explain why not.

Yes, women could file an equal pay law suit as they are being paid as much as 60% as compared to their male coworkers in the production area of the plant even though their job description, and tasks, duties and responsibilities are the same as that of the men working in the plant. On this basis, they could demand an equal pay. Because, if they are giving the same time and efforts as men working with them then they are entitled to get the same level of remuneration as men do.

What additional information would be useful in determining the answer to question 2?

After closely reading the case, it can be found that the production plant has a total of 100 workers out of which only 30 are women. This could be the reason to believe that women could file an equal employment opportunities law suit that gives equal chance to both the genders of the society men as well as women.

What would be the consequences of each of Sam's options to all of the people involved (e.g., women, men in the plant, the company, his family)?

The three options of Sam and their conclusion are:

Option 1: he could let things go on like they were, and everyone would be happy but himself.

The consequences after the execution of this option would be that John, Sr. Fred would be happy with Sam's performance as John, Sr. Fred's opinion was that, as the Wages that Consolidated Chicken Products (CCO) is paying to the women working in the production area higher than they could make in that area, so the women would be satisfied with those salaries. Although, this option would not make Sam happy as it is his role as a personnel ...
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