Cross-Cultural Training

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Cross-Cultural Training

Cross-Cultural Training


The increasing Globalization and Multi-Culturalisation of our lives and our work tends to demand that we should indulge in Cross-Cultural Training in order to develop a better understanding with the people around us. Cross-cultural training tends to promote primarily capacity to deal with people of different cultural backgrounds and appropriate behaviour abroad, to foreigners in the country and in other cultural contexts for example international conferences. It also tends to have an important impact on learning, that is, the consciousness of their own cultural influences and their own cultural identity. A sound knowledge of the Cross Cultures tends to allow the individual to understand the working environment among the different cultures. Plus, it also helps in expanding or widening the scale of the business by interpreting the cultural values of the others in a much more effective and efficient manner.

However, Cross-Cultural Training is not aimed for every other individual rather it is targeted towards a certain group of people. It is important to interpret that group of people so that the Cross -Cultural Training can serve its purpose (Robert & John 1994, p.97). People who should be targeted in terms of the Cross Cultural Training tends to include people who work in a professional activity abroad for example development workers, professionals, managers, military personnel, consultants, etc. It is also essential for those who spend a long time for personal reasons abroad for example family members or tourists. Individuals who are involved in cultural exchange projects for example exchange of young people, students, professionals, artists, scientists, etc. People involved in partnership projects such as twinning, school partnerships, etc. People who care for foreigners in the domestic and advice for example students, immigrants, tourists etc. People who work in organizations with international operations staff for example in multinational companies, international organizations, religious organizations or other entities.

However, more Importantly Cross-Cultural training tends to helps in developing a team which can give an edge when an organization intends to expand in any new market (Anand 2006,p.161). It helps to reduce the miscommunication among the team members plus help build the organizations in terms of its diverse workforce. Therefore, in the context of this paper we intends analyze four articles based on different factors in order to develop a sound understanding of the subject.


Current Trends

In the age of globalization the cross cultural trainings has gained significant importance since it allows the organization to craft itself on a much diverse workforce. In the light of the references provided the Black and Mendenhall tends to identify this feature in a most appropriate sense. Since it does not only allow the individual to understand the dynamics of the Cross-cultural training but it also allows the individual to interpret it importance in terms of an effective training. The mechanism proposed in this article tends to review the ideas and concepts of Cross-cultural training in both theoretical and practical manner (Hollinshead 2005, p.291). This literature tends to utilize the literature of the cross cultural raining ...
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