Domestic Violence And Battered Person Syndrome

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Domestic Violence and Battered Person Syndrome

Table of Contents


Symptoms of Battered Person Syndrome4

Characteristics of Female Victims6

Characteristics of an Abuser8

The Cycle of Violence9

Battered Person & The Law10




“Every twelve seconds in the United States, a man batters his current or former wife or women friend.” (American Psychiatric Association 2004) Despite overwhelming statistics similar to this, it seems society has still been left in the dark when it comes to understanding Battered Person Syndrome and domestic violence.  Accompanying this shocking reality are numerous myths concerning battered women and their abusers. At this point, researchers, psychologists, and society are taking steps to better educate and prevent further abuse, but still have a long road ahead of them.  For instance, “The United States has three times as many animal shelters as they do battered women shelters!” This alone shows that society hasn't given the problem the attention it deserves. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of current literature and issues surrounding Battered Person Syndrome. 

Domestic Violence and Battered Person Syndrome


Although widely misunderstood even among legal professionals, "Battered Person Syndrome" is not a legal defense. It is one approach to explaining battered women's experiences. Like other "social framework testimony,” expert testimony concerning battering and its effects is used in the legal system to help a judge or jury better understand a battered woman's experience. The purpose of this paper is to offer a critique of the concept Battered Person Syndrome as a means of framing battered women's experiences. (Walker 2010)


Symptoms of Battered Person Syndrome

Research has shown that many battered women experience a group of symptoms that has come to be called Battered Person Syndrome.  “Battered Person Syndrome is a woman's presumed reactions to a pattern of continual physical and psychological abuse inflicted by her mate.” There are two major groups of symptoms that victims may experience.  The first set of symptoms can be characterized as “fight or flight” responses. In it's most basic, physiological response, this occurs when someone perceives danger and enters a mental state in which they are prepared to deal with this danger.  The heart begins to race, breathing changes, it may become difficult to concentrate and, in extreme cases, a panic attack may result.  This type of response can be recognized when the victim makes use of avoidance mechanisms and the numbing, or lack of emotions.  Typical signs to look for would include denial, repression, dissociation, and minimizing or not dealing with what is really occurring. (Dutton 2009)

The second group of symptoms that may occur when a victim is suffering from Battered Person Syndrome involves changes in cognitive abilities, judgment and memory.  Often times, a woman will experience the abuse in her mind at a time when there is no danger present.  For example, a nightmare may occur that is so vivid, that she will respond as though the abuse is really happening.  Thus, the next time that danger is actually present, the victim could perceive the situation as being more severe than it really ...
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