Early Childhood Special Education

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Consultation and collaboration in Early Childhood Special Education

Consultation and collaboration in Early Childhood Special Education


Students with special education are one that has some problem of learning throughout their school and that demand attention. Special Education is a kind of education that gives hope to individuals with disabilities, particularly to children. Many parents of children with special needs are not aware of the process that it takes to find out if a child is or is not eligible for special educational service. There are many difficulties to be pass both parents and children disabilities, when faced a world more to help them integrate their children, does nothing to impairments for development as any another child without a disability. But fortunately, there are agencies and teachers supporting these families and full integration of their children.

It is intended to close the subject specifically in the relationship that parents and mothers of pupils / students set the school and is with the family once that the time has come for schooling of their children. What kinds of difficulties are going to find, what rights and obligations as parents of students with have special educational needs in the field of education and what can professionals do the teaching, law and themselves for such children. Which variables influence will be on display in the actions of parents in collaboration with the school and their children, and what programs exist for parents to carry out at home and help their children to get better development of all its capabilities.


It is necessary that teachers know the general process, mind are the parents to confirm the child's diagnosis. When a child considered high risk for parents begins, a process between anguish and hope, will lead from one doctor to another in search of not confirm diagnosis suspected with or denies the deficiency? A doctor makes the diagnosis or diagnostic trial, which is manifested impairment of the child. A new phase of recognition is of tremendous how much of the problems they have come as a cluster of feelings and confused feelings. Parents overwhelmed feeling unable to educate your child. Another common feeling is that of receive information about an unfamiliar terminology that will produce fear, because I did not know until point reaches the severity of the problem. Perhaps the sentiment parents are widespread in the guilt (Moody, 2000). They need to seek because of the difficulty of the child.

Schooling of children SEN Special

The education of a boy / girl SEN requires a prior valuation by interdisciplinary teams of the sector. The report prepared by team- SEN Child ends. The ICA provides for the participation of professionals involved in the process of learning and development student also, and especially parents with other specialists. What kind of collaboration called the teacher to the parents? Undoubtedly master / teacher is not agreed with the mothers who replaced him in his role as a teacher, but it is clear that parents can den to create favorable conditions ...
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