English Literacy Development

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English Literacy Development

English Literacy Development


English Language is a universal language which is spoken almost in every part of the world. It is a first language in many schools across the world and many of the organization. However, English has become a necessity and the people living in rural areas of the world where English is not the primary language, find it difficult to adapt and learn it (Hunt, 2004).


Moreover, in many countries English literacy development programs are conducted in order to help teach those who do not know English. In a similar case, this program helped many Spanish speaking English Learner. To make the implementation of this program more efficient, many strategies were adapted, so learning English would not be difficult. Some of the ideas which are considered useful are reading aloud, choral speaking, literature circles, graphic organizers and guided reading. The implementation of these ideas is explained in the preceding paragraphs.

Therefore, one way to facilitate these Spanish speaking English learners is reading aloud. Reading aloud is considered as a foundation for the literacy framework. Usually this is used with children who love to listen to stories and also enjoy reading. For the Spanish speakers this can help them in a way that like children, even adults enjoy to listening to stories, If the English assignment or any book is being recited or told, the Spanish people can easily pick words and further learn how to use them in which context (Menken, 2006).

Another way to help these English learning Spanish is called Choral speaking requires a group of performers to orally interpret and recite or speak from memory. In its most formal sense it is considered quite old fashioned in the UK although it is still organized on a national level throughout many former colonies. Choral speaking is speaking in unison, usually under the direction of a leader who can be likened to the conductor of an orchestra because the performers' voices play their parts like the various instruments. Choral speaking has three main purposes which are learning, performance and enjoyment (Menken, 2006).

Therefore, Learning Opportunities include: speaking clearly and audibly: improvement in pitch, tone, volume, rate, diction and enunciation building co-operation. Because it is a group activity, it directs all pupils towards a common goal problem solving: each group has to work out its own interpretations and presentation of selections vocabulary building: by becoming familiar with a text through speaking it, pupils will increase their repertoire of phrases and expressions which they can draw upon in writing.

Another one is Performance practicing choral speaking does not necessarily mean there must be a performance. Practice has its own value. Pupils will have opportunities to use language to expand, organize, sequence and explain their ideas Pupils will participate in group decision making Pupils will experience using vocal and facial expression and gesture to convey situations character and emotions. Last but not the least is enjoyment which can be achieved by becoming familiar with a text and then only pupils will ...
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