Food Safety Management Procedures

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Food safety management procedures

Food safety management procedures

Q1) Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) food safety management system is the program consists of interconnected processes, activities and recommended that the equipment used for food handlers to constitute a considerable risk to food through micro-biological contamination as well as chemical and physical contamination. They are designed to ensure that consumers are safe from food borne illness and that the drugs can pass the required sanitary control.

An important part of any system of food safety management is a set of guidelines for food safety or politics. This statement will detail the general intent and purpose of management to strive for food safety. It will emphasize the organization's commitment to effective safety management power.

Food safety Regulation (EC) 852/2004 is a very complex issue, and a detailed study of the law as it relates to threats to food security is beyond the scope of this book. In addition, the body of food safety Regulation (EC) 852/2004 is constantly updated and amended so that any written work on this issue will almost certainly be obsolete by the time of its publication.

What, therefore, presents an overview of Regulation (EC) 852/2004 in the field of food safety in the EU and the U.S., with a brief mention of some of the international aspects of food law. It is intended to be neither detailed nor exhaustive. The intention to give a general impression of the approach to food safety and regulation enforcement by the authorities in the two worlds most advanced and sophisticated food markets.

Much of the Regulation (EC) 852/2004 on food safety is now in the European Union (EU) comes from the European Commission (EC), rather than from the national authorities. There are two main legal instruments in which the Commission may adopt new laws, food. The first is a directive, which outlines the goals, but allows national authorities to determine how this objective will be achieved, and can be performed in individual member states, yet implemented in national Regulation (EC) 852/2004. The second tool Regulation, which is "directly applicable and will become the law of all Member States as soon as it enters into force without the need to amend national Regulation (EC) 852/2004. Both directives and regulations can be described as" horizontal ", dealing with one aspect of food products such as hygiene, for all goods, or "vertical, using specific products(Shahidi, n.d: 139).

Although the EU initiates new directives and rules established ways of consultation, amendment and revision should follow up the proposed bill can be officially adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers. Finally, the new law is published in the Official Journal of the EU, and then enters into force. This process can take years, especially if there are contentious issues. Development of new food safety and hygiene, as now in the scientific analysis and assessment of hazards to food safety. It is usual for the EU to send a request on a risk analysis to ...
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