Iso 9001:2008

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ISO 9001:2008

ISO 9001:2008 Can Benefit The Food Manufacturing Industry

ISO 9001:2008 Can Benefit The Food Manufacturing Industry


ISO 9001 is an international standard, which aims at establishing a quality management system in the enterprise. ISO 9001 provides a series of standards ISO 9000.

The introduction of standards ISO 9000 the company is on a voluntary basis and is intended to establish a uniform system of quality control. Relevance certification of ISO 9001 is provided due to the fact that consumers pay more attention not on the value of the goods or services, and their quality.

ISO 9001, confirming the existence of a company's existing quality management system (QMS) that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, demonstrating to clients that the company's activity focuses only on quality products and services. (Buttle, 1997, 936-947)

Quality Management System (QMS)

Quality Management System is a system of management to direct and control an organization with regard to quality. Thus, the quality management system is a particular approach to managing an organization whose main purpose is continuous improvement of product quality or service. (Chris, 2007, 35-40)

The introduction of quality management systems encourages organizations to analyze customer requirements, determine the processes that create products acceptable to consumers as well as to support these processes in a controlled state. The quality management system can be the basis of continuous improvement of the company to increase customer satisfaction of both consumers and other stakeholders. (Chris, 2007, 35-40)

Implementing Quality Management System provides customers confidence in the organization's ability to supply products or services that fully meet all established requirements for those products or services.

Development of quality management system and implementation of QMS will not be binding, and is a voluntary certification procedure. However, the introduction of quality management system and subsequent certification of quality management system is an important element in raising the status of the company's products, but also able to increase customer loyalty.

Certification of quality systems highlights the main objectives of the confirmation of conformity of the QMS and its elements to the requirements set forth in relevant regulations, evidence of its alleged capacity to produce products consistently planned quality within the contract terms and in defined amounts, creating favourable conditions for certification, and others. (Goh, 2002, 936-953)

The quality management system in food industry

Develop and implement a quality management system in accordance with standard ISO 9001 is an important and crucial step towards a competitive, stable and constantly evolving business of food manufacturing and food industry. (Naveh, 2007, 731-742)

ISO 9001:2008 certification features a system for quality food processing according to standards of ISO. It is mandatory for all food manufacturing units to implement ISO standards and integrating QMS certified ISO 9001:2008, with a system of food safety (HACCP). (Dick, 2002, 774-791)

To date, the food industry to control systems, the following standards:

Systems of food safety management Requirements for any organization in the food chain need to be implemented according to ISO standards.

Guidelines are provided on the application of ISO 9001:2008 for the food and drink ...
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