Geopolitical Theories

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Geopolitical Theories

Geopolitical Theories


Geopolitics is the science that, through the political geography, the regional studies and history, studies the causality space of political events and their future effects.

Spykman stated that Eurasia's Rimland, the coastal areas, is the key to controlling the World Island, not the heartland. He created the theory of "Rimland" or Theory of the Circumnavigation.

Alfred Mahan wrote The Influence of sea power on history in 1890 and America's interests in control of the seas in 1897. Admiral, he advocates for world domination by the United States through strategic control of the seas: why, you should check on all the major seas and in the strategic straits, ports and bases, as has been made the British


Nicholas John Spykman

Spykman has published two books on foreign policy. America's strategy in world politics was published in 1942 near the entrance of the United States in the Second World War. Concerned with balance of power, he argues that isolationism, counts on the oceans to protect the United States (defense "" hemispheric "or" quad ), was bound to fail. Its purpose was to prevent a U.S. retreat, similar to U.S. policy following WWI. The geography of peace was published the year after the death of Spykman. In it he presents his geostrategy, arguing that the balance of power in Eurasia directly affected security of the United States

Spykman stated that Eurasia's Rimland, the coastal areas, is the key to controlling the World Island, not the heartland. He created the theory of "Rimland" or Theory of the Circumnavigation. Spykman created Teo Perimeter Security estuary of the Member United States is a border of "alarm early 'projecting from the Estre- cho Behring to Hawaii, then to the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), Easter Island (Chile) and cross the Channel of Magellan to Las Malvinas.

Nicholas Spykman. American, created the "Political ...
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