Gun Control Research

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Gun Control Research

Gun Control Research

Gun Control

A gun is a mechanical device that expels a projectile. In most cases the projectile is a gyroscopically stabilized bullet which can accurately travel a large distance. Most guns burn solid propellants to produce high-pressure gas, which drives the projectile through the barrel. Guns have been used for hundreds of years in the history of our world and nation. On one side there are those who completely agree with the control laws and on the other there are those who oppose gun control laws. (Barone 2001)

Thesis Statement

"Gun control is not effective as it has not been shown to actually reduce the number of gun-related crimes."

Gun Control Law

Gun control opponents provide many uses for a gun, such as the second amendment, self-defense, hunting, or target practice. The second amendment preserves the right to own a gun, which states, "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." One does not have to belong to a well regulated militia in order to have the right to keep and bear arms. The militia clause is merely one, and not the only, rationale for preserving the right. ( )

On July 19, 1999 California Governor Gray Davis signed two of the toughest gun laws in the country: the nation's strongest ban on assault weapons and ammunition magazines and a measure to stop gun traffickers by limiting gun buyers to no more than one handgun per month. Davis, like other successful state candidates, campaigned extensively in support of responsible gun control laws during his 1998 bid for the governorship, after former Governor Pete Wilson vetoed several gun control bills. California voters elected solid gun control majorities in both houses of the legislature. (Utter 2000)

Gun Control Is Ineffective And Why Crime Will Rise

The myths attached to gun ownership stop many people from thinking of them as a consumer product. As a result, the standard risk analysis applied to other dangerous products: pesticides, prescription drugs, or toasters, has never been applied to firearms. Yet guns are manufactured by corporations with boards of directors, marketing plans, employees, and a bottom line just like companies that manufacture toasters. What separates the gun industry from other manufacturers is lack of regulation. (

In addition to the human toll, the economic costs of not regulating guns are staggering. The Centers ...
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