Human Nutrition

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Human Nutrition

Human Nutrition


The basis of all life processes of the human body is a constant exchange of substances between the organism and the environment. From the environment a person consumes oxygen, water and foods. The role of eating is to replenish energy and tissue elements necessary for growth, development and functioning of the body to provide metabolic processes for the normal state of health and work. It is through diet that ensures the continuity of the two opposing and interrelated processes of assimilation and dissimilation. Nature of the nutrition of the population was formed gradually, depending on the economic and cultural level of development taking into account national traditions and peculiarities. (Katharine, 1997)

Nutrition Plan

Food products are divided into products of plant and animal origin. The most common herbal products are cereals and derived products, vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms. For animal products, it includes meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products. The diet of a person consists of foods that contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and water in sufficient quantity. The combination of foods in the diet should be in an amount such that it provides all the physiological needs of the body. Nutrition is a basic biological need of man. Summing up his views on the role of nutrition, the outstanding Russian physiologist IP Pavlov concluded that food represents a vital process in its entirety from the most basic physiologic capacity of the organism to the highest manifestations of human nature. (Katharine, 1997)

A balanced diet should ideally be based on the daily stress, age, sex, and even taste preferences. However, it is possible to abstract from the specific products and think it from daily norms perspective. A dietary intake table that follows is based on the health needs of the average person aged 19-49 years which is:

Panel components







Are saturated


Fruits and Vegetables



340 g

55 g

93.5 g

28,5 g

19 g

400 g

6 g


259 g

45 g

71 g

21.5 g

18 g

400 g

6 g

The content of these components is always written on food. Incidentally, the absence of Earl "energy value" and it also contains 100 g of the product - a very suspicious sign, indicating the poor quality and even the forgery. To the aid of losing weight and just people who want to control their diet (such as athletes, pregnant women) may come to different calculators, published on various sites on the Internet. Such programs are carried out usually just to ...
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