International Business Ethics

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International Business Ethics

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International Business Ethics


In this paper I will be investigating the possibility of locating facilities in East Asian countries such as Thailand and Singapore. The research will be based on the happenings in these countries in terms of environmental legislation and laws regarding wages and hours. Following are some of the details I gathered about the two countries.


Singapore is the hub of international trade. Singapore's geographical location, excellent facilities, fascinating cultural background, as well as a major tourist attractions, are the success factors of her business. Singapore's economy is export-oriented countries; trade is the foundation of a nation. Singapore has been engaging in international trade activities since its very existence. International Trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. This kind of trade leads to the global economy, when prices or demand and supply depend on events occurring in the world. Singapore realizes that international trade allows them to expand markets for goods and services that were not available to them without it and with the help of this it has attained competitive edge over the past ten years. However, the increase in industrialization and the development of the different factories in Singapore has become a threat for the environment. A number of environmental laws have been listed in Singapore to limit the increased amount of pollution in the environment. The government of Singapore has outlined certain laws in relation to water and air pollution. The industrial sector is obligated by law to follow the established environmental legislations. Any industry disposing off its waste in the river, more than allowed quantities is subjected to legal penalties and fines. There is a duty changed by the government on the industry responsible for polluting the environment. Air pollution is one of the main concerns of the industrial ...
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