Interview At Workplace

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Conducting an Interview with a Human Resource Manager in Your Workplace

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Interview Questions3

Question: What are your criteria for recruiting? Do you discriminate on the basis on gender?3

Question: Do you use Recruitment Advertisement Diversity for promoting minorities?4

Question: Do you promote effective diversity management?5

Question: How do you follow Recruiter Demographics?5

Best practices for a diverse workplace, based on your research, to evaluate the organization's current policies.6

Why inclusiveness is so important?6

Rally employees6

Diversity in the Workplace7

Ask for feedback7

Acknowledge that equality is not always fair7

Be flexible8

Celebrate the differences8

Evaluation of the areas in which the organization is in line with current best practices in the field and where gaps exist8


Conducting an Interview with a Human Resource Manager in Your Workplace


In this paper, there will be an interview conducted with the HR manager of any organization and some questions will be asked to him/her in order to get a clear understanding of the HR policies for diversity that relates to the old workers. The entire interview questions asked will relate to the course readings. After conducting interview, we will evaluate the organizations current policies and will discuss areas in which the organization is in line with current best practices in the field and where gaps exist.

For this assignment, the company I have chosen is Wal-Mart plc. I will go to the HR head of this company whose name is Gary Darnell, Senior Manager, HR Operations, and Logistics at Wal-Mart. His responsibilities are to manage strategic planning and execution of communications, HR projects and strategies. Build relationships with clients to achieve a goal. He promotes the benefits and celebrates different cultures and diversities. He makes sure that a different range of people in the communities to come and work at our store to help celebrate the different cultures and diversities (Handy, 2008).

Interview Questions

Question: What are your criteria for recruiting? Do you discriminate on the basis on gender?

In answer to this question, she said that, the procedure starts with vacancies recruitment campaigning, this procedure may be internal or external or both, and is about utilizing talented people to their organization which can help, them gain progress. The Internet can be used in recruitment as it has become an important tool (Avery & McKay, 2006). Procedures alternation may be through spreading the news unofficially among the workers in the organization, family and constituents associates and or through increasing use of outsourcing advisors undertaking paid work or office. Organizations furthermore can state centers of the resigned or paid workers or their own speculative department enquiries database. Informal procedures or external recruitment of Wal-Mart have an advantage of being in and negotiating with poor nations. They post the vacancies through the website for managerial positions and gives equal opportunity for people to work with Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart also aims to target the interior market; the goal is to recruit potential and capable workers that can prove to be positive for Wal-Mart. It does not discriminate among female applicants even if they are from the interior ...
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