Is Healthcare A Right Or Priviledge?

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Is Healthcare A Right Or Priviledge?

Jan Ann Caudill

Patient Interaction

Is Healthcare A Right Or Priviledge?

Healthcare is a privilege and not a right. Some say we have the best healthcare system in the world, other say we don't. I would argue with those that say we don't. For those Americans that have the financial means to afford healthcare, then the system works for you more than it doesn't. For those that is uninsured, unemployed or otherwise not in a position to be able to afford medical care than the system is your nemesis. (Naden, 2009)

One of the basic inherent problems with our current system of healthcare is that it is a business that offers a wide a range of services and products that most people don't want to have to use, and if the do, they cannot afford most of it. Simply put healthcare is a horrible business model to try and make function. From the business perspective healthcare has a line of customers that stretch out the door and down the street. None of our customers want to be using our services and none can afford what healthcare is selling. Is it any wonder why healthcare has become the convoluted problem that it is today?

In many respects the healthcare system is the same as all those Macy's shopping cards that got mailed to everyone before Christmas. They have so many restrictions on them you can't use them for anything. The US healthcare system is equally as frustrating to use. Insurance forms, preapprovals, medications not covered by health plans, providers that won't take certain kinds of insurance, and state run insurance programs that have so many bureaucratic hoops to jump through it is a wonder that anyone qualifies for the programs at all. (Papadimos, 2007)

Tom Daschle of the ...
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