Learning And Change

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Learning and Change

Learning and Change

Kalantzis & Cope New Learning-What are the tools of learning that Kalantzis and Cope described?

According to Kalantzis & Cope, there are some of the tools for learning which are as follows:

Ways of Communication

Within several different ways of communication, students can learn from horizontal communication in which students are able to learn from their class mates and fellows through the interaction between them. Lateral Learning Relations in which learning is done among peer to peer interaction on specific tasks, goals and objectives. Individualized Learning in which all the students learn from their own assigned tasks and projects.

Ways of Teaching

Differentiated Instruction in which a specific environment is created for students customized learning with different interests, identities and needs. Ubiquitous Learning is a way of teaching in which students learn from online peer to peer or project discussion.

Ways of Assessing

Formative assessment is done for learning facilitation of a student; it is a type of assessment which is done as an analysis of retrospective form of data.

Types of Media

Multimedia Learning is a way in which students learn from what they see. It is presentation of information and knowledge in the form of image, video and data files.

2. Hyslop-Marginson & Sears “Challenging the dominant neo-liberal discourse”-What is the main thesis of the chapter by Hyslop-Marginson & Sears?

The main thesis of the chapter revolves around the fact that education has never been taken under consideration at time when it performs a significant role in the production and manufacturing of goods and services like the production of the producers themselves. From this perspective in the form of a myth or neo-liberal discourse, all the deficiencies and flaws come out as a discipline of fatal determination and economics with which it associates itself to the subjective opposition.

3. Hajkowicz & Moody CSIRO Our Future World-How did Hajkowicz and Moody obtains their findings?

Hajkowicz and Moody obtained their findings after the review and visits of future websites and by following trends. This report was prepared for obtaining result from CSIRO global foresight project. The megatrends which are presented in this report are obtained from the findings of around 40 scientists and staff of business development across CSIRO on future.

4. US National Intelligence Council Global Trends 2025- List the main features of the 2025 global landscape?

Following are some of the features that are initiated by US National Intelligence Council in an anticipation of 2025 global trends:

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