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The reason of this topic is to discuss regarding marijuana and compare both the issues of either legalizing or not legalizing marijuana. Two groups indulge in conflict with each other. One group is that supports marijuana and the other one is that are against marijuana. Since many years, these two groups are fighting with each other. There are some pro-marijuana legalization assemblies such as the Physician's Association for AIDS Care, National Lymphoma base, which has a request that marijuana must be legalized for treating patients. Thus, among different patients, some are suffering from HIV Aids, where consumption of marijuana might battle dangerous emaciation. It can benefit patients who are suffering from glaucoma and can help those patients who have the problem of acute nausea, which often escorts chemotherapy and sometimes makes lifesaving treatment impossible. After all, these examples suggest that some medical experts say that might be prescribed as a beneficial drug. Some even suggest that, other medical drugs such as morphine and cocaine are lawful and are very dangerous pharmaceuticals that cause a debate that why marijuana should then be adopted as a legal drug. Therefore, this request forwarded to the Assemblies in order to create a concern among the Senators that are there in the Assembly (Twombly, 2006).


Legalizing marijuana at this time will open a gateway to criminal mischief. It would encourage kids younger than 18 years of age to smoke these drugs. Marijuana is not just harmful for the user, but it is harmful for other people around as well. People often look over the health risks of this drug. The symptoms of smoking weed are worse than people think. These kids will regret it in their future but if we can stop it, now then they will not have to worry about it. It is not a good idea to legalize marijuana because it will encourage kids to smoke marijuana. They would want to smoke it because when adults do something it makes them feels like they are not good enough to do this stuff. These days kids do everything that not suppose to do until there over 18 or older. Teenagers and their friends always fall into peer pressure and do funny stuff. Kids now and days drink alcohol, chew tobacco, and smoke cigarettes. They do not even know the harm they are putting themselves. In a way, this will enforce them to smoke this illegal drug.

Why marijuana should not be legalized

The debate over the legalization of marijuana has been raging on for several decades. Even though countless arguments presented and considered over the passage of time the debate is still presenting in the irresolute form. In this regard, this discussion will attempt highlight the reasons because of which Marijuana should not be legalized. In the process, the paper will present a nutshell view of the disadvantages of marijuana that make it unfeasible to legalize marijuana.

Perhaps the most substantial and relevant proof of the disadvantages of the legalization of marijuana comes across in the experiment ...
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