New Er Standard

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New ER Standard

Proposal for New ER Standard Puts Providers on the Defensive


This article is the reviewed proposal of a new accreditation standard to trim down the crowd in emergency departments of the hospitals that was realized by the reaction of some defensive representative who asked to fix the problem. It was clearly stated that the societal failing behavior should not become the hurdle in emergency rooms.


The messes in emergency rooms of the hospitals are critical in nature as it has number of side effects in order to save the life of the patients. In this regard, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations glided a place of new necessities for public statements and remarks that produces the evidence which describe the hindrance in treating gravely ill patients in the hospitals. It is especially noticed in the department of emergency that they are contributing to unwanted complications and deaths.

The outline of the standard are opened for public to comment and share their experiences. The leaders of the hospitals needed to implement plans effectively by moving patients throughout the course of health care facility, to improve the conditions happening in the emergency rooms and to invigilate the pace of areas which accept the patients in emergency ward, plan to care the patients by placing them in temporary beds.

It is said by Don Nielsen, senior vice president at American Hospital Association that the standard needs to collaborate with further community's hospital services, to effectively organize the course of urgent cases within and out of the emergency rooms. It is cured by ambulance services and paramedic to home health agencies and long-term care. The consequences of primary care breakdown are vulnerable by the hospital's ability to compress of volume, it also glance over the shortages of the nurses, lack of knowledge about the information ...
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