Police Misconduct& Ethical Dilemma - Nyc Police Department

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Police Misconduct& Ethical Dilemma - NYC Police Department

Ethical Dilemmas Associated With Police Misconduct inside the NYC Police Department


Police is the epitome of the security provider of the nation or the community. They get considered as the law enforcers and protectors of a property and reduce the civil disorders. The NYC Police Department has recognized the position of police leader as being among the most important and most demanding positions in the hierarchy of government officials. They have such vital positions that even the mayors and presidents have to submit themselves to them if asked.

Any Misconduct which means that any inappropriate or unfortunate action from the path of police can adversely impact on eth citizens. This can leads to the miscarriage of justice or discrimination against citizen. Due to the Power of discretion, police officers face dilemma in their daily life.

This paper focuses on the Ethical Dilemmas Associated with Police Misconduct inside specifically in the NYC Police Department.


The role patrons, sergeant, mayor, judge, prison warden, high school principal, and university president are somewhat similar to police in terms of sources of influence, but the only difference is that they all have limited boundaries and people to access and monitor. A police man has the authority and duty to look into all matters of law protection anywhere in his country. The actual definition of police can be referred as a security force in charge of maintaining public order and security of citizens and subject to the orders of governmental authorities. Your administration can be centralized at the national level or decentralized, with local police forces largely autonomous (Goldstein, Herman, 1975).

Consider the example of university president, who has the authority to take action against and illegal activities and unlawful acts by students. The university president gets only bounded to ensure the law enforceability at the campus, or areas where which got endorsed by the university. He can configure the illegal activities outside the university campus, which gets conducted by students, but he cannot charge them unless that act got conducted within the campus. Similarly, the police man gets authorized to look into any activity within the country and take charge of it.

Same is the case with in the private sector, like a company president, or senior-level manager at a multi-million dollar company. They are bound only with laws orientation within their institute and company. They are not liable for the activities of their employee outside the company. The work of a policeman is not restricted to the competition and conflicts. They work to make sure that the laws and regulations of the state are followed in the process. People need motivation in work conditions in order to perform their duties well. For example, if a person is bound to do one work on a daily basis, at the same place, his motivation level would decrease with respect to his productivity. Therefore, if a police man is suppose to keep checking laws and keep on doing one thing, then his productivity as policeman ...
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