Power Of Love And Relationships

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Power of Love and Relationships

Power of Love and Relationships


Man is a knot into which relationships are tied.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Flight to Arras

Man is a social animal. It is natural of us to want to have people in our life. People whom we can talk to, share our sorrows and joys with, and people to look up to and admire. We cannot live in isolation. The worst of tortures that a man can inflict upon the other is solitude; it is like walking on the knife blades. Ironically, given the importance of relationship in our life, in particular the love relationship, most of us take these relationships for granted or lack the talent to cultivate them meaningfully (John, Harvey & Pauwels, 2009). The paper unfolds the mystery behind attraction, discusses the human need to build bonds and relationships, the way this need is attached to different human emotions, and explains the three types of love.


Relationships are a function of attraction. There are six factors of attraction. These are discussed hereunder.

We get attracted to people who we find attractive. In particular, in the initial phases of the relationship this is the one thing that gets us closer to the other person.

We get attracted to people whom we meet frequently.

We get attracted to people who are similar to us in their habits, attitude and lifestyle.

In addition, people get attracted to people who are like them. For instance, people who are attractive like to establish relationships with attractive people like them. Similarly, people who are intellectual may find it hard for them to get along with people who are dumb.

People want their relationships to be equitable, though in practical life this remains only a dream. It is never fifty fifty in marriage. It is always seventy-thirty, or sixty-forty. Someone falls in ...
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