Qualitative Phenomenological Approach

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Qualitative phenomenological approach

Qualitative Phenomenological Approach

Part1: Questionnaire

Name (Optional):______________ Age:________ Gender: M______F_____

Occupation: __________________Qualification: _____ Designation:_______

Have you received training in Hand hygiene in the last three years?



Do you normally use a hand rub for hand hygiene?



Among the following, what is the main mode of transmission of germs cross between patients in a care facility?

Hands of caregivers in the absence of hand hygiene

Air flowing through the establishment

Patient exposure to contaminated surfaces (beds, chairs, tables, floors)

Using non-invasive medical devices (stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs, etc)

What is the microbial source has the most frequent cause of healthcare associated infections?

The water supply network of the hospital

The air supply system of the hospital

The germ s which the patient has (or surface in the body),

The hospital environment (surfaces).

Among the following, what shares of hand hygiene can prevent the tent t transmission of the patient's germ?

Before contact with the patient

Immediately after a potential exposure to a biological fluid

After exposure to the patient's environment

Immediately before an aseptic task

Among the following, what shares of hand hygiene can prevent the tent transmission germ s Caregiver?

After patient contact

Immediately after a potential exposure to a biological fluid

Immediately before an aseptic task

After exposure to the patient's environment

Among the following, about hand rubbing or e hand washing with soap and water, which is correct?

The hand rubbing is faster than the washing with soap and water

The hand rubbing causes greater dryness than hand washing

The hand rubbing is more effective against germs that s washing with soap and water

It is recommended to wash and to hand rubbing hands

What is the minimum necessary of the hand rubbing hands Playoffs for the first germ s on your hands?

20 second century

3 second century

1 minute

10 second century

What technique is it appropriate to apply in the following situations?

Before palpation of the abdomen

Before giving an injection

After emptying a pond

After removing the gloves s care

After the bed of a patient

After actual exposure to blood

Part 2

The phenomenological method is usually referred to a group of qualitative research methods, which is very active in recent decades in psychology. The question of the scientific status of the method and validity of data obtained with it, remains, still, controversial - as a general question about the status and validity of qualitative research in psychology. Nevertheless, the phenomenological method, one way or another treat today, representatives of various branches of psychology.

Among the specific ...
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