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For most of the questions, the respondents will be asked to express the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with a given statement. They will be asked to choose from five items to indicate their opinions: {3 - strongly agree; 2 - agree; 1 - weakly agree; 0 - neither agree nor disagree (or no opinion); N - disagree}.

For the purpose of calculating the average score of opinions for all the respondents, N was given a numerical value of -2 in order to maintain symmetry between "agree" and "disagree."

1. Did your company strategize after the global recession?? Yes ? No

2. If yes, then in what way?

3. To what extent was the company affected?

To a large extent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 To some extent

4. How long has the company been using these strategies to help cope with the recession?

?1-3 months ?4-6 months ?7-10 months ?10 or more months

5. Are your bank making increased efforts to monitor borrower companies?

• More serious screening of loan applications

• Closer monitoring of the borrowers after making loans

• More active role in corporate restructuring in the event of financial distress in borrowing firms

6. [If you answered yes on any of the items above] What is the most important factor that has motivated these enhanced efforts of monitoring by banks?

• Higher risk of corporate default (including no more “too-big-to-fail” perception toward the chaebols)

• Increased concern about the survival or growth of banks; lower chance of government bailouts of troubled banks

• Strengthened prudential regulations on credit risk management imposed either internally or by the financial supervisory authorities

• Better information on corporate clients (accumulated in the process of corporate restructuring after the crisis), which serves as a basis for continuing monitoring [1.62]

• Debt-equity swap (as the ...
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