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Revisions: War on Terror

Revisions: War on Terror


Al Qaeda's September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States changed American attitudes about terrorism and led to dramatic and expensive changes for U.S. security. The attacks, which struck the U.S. homeland, made many Americans feel afraid and unprotected. Government officials responded with a multitude of military, legislative, and policy initiatives designed to counter the terrorist threat and improve national security. The new U.S. "war on terror" began just days after the attacks, on September 20, 2001, when U.S. President George W. Bush spoke to the nation and promised to use every resource and tool to disrupt and defeat the global terror network. Since that time, the United States has spent hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars, all in the name of fighting terrorism and increasing homeland security. Since [9/11], the United States has spent hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars, all in the name of fighting terrorism and increasing homeland security. In the war on terrorism, domestic security emerges as a pivotal component of U.S. anti-terrorist strategy. Yet the United States, by virtue of being the largest open society in the world, is extremely vulnerable to transnational terrorism.

Thesis Statement

Research has shown that responding to the 9/11 attacks with the “War on Terror” has made the US more vulnerable because it has created huge deficits, diminished America's standing in the world, and weakened the rights of its citizens.


As the United States' initial inability to capture bin Laden illustrates, the war on terrorism is proving to be a difficult one. Although, Osama was captured but after the huge human and material cost of the USA. (Munslow, 2010)

[U.S. Soldier Deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan per Year ]

America's task is made more arduous by the fact that, as analysts maintain, the problem of terrorism extends far beyond the scope of bin Laden and al-Qaeda. For example, the U.S. government considers seven countries to be sponsors of terrorism or shelters for terrorist groups: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan, North Korea, and Cuba. Of particular concern for the United States are Iran, Iraq, and North Korea—three countries that constitute what President Bush refers to as an "axis of evil"—because they are "hostile regimes" that are attempting to develop chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons of mass destruction. (

A particular portion of the Patriot Act, Section 215, has generated First Amendment concerns for civil liberties groups. Under the Patriot Act, the FBI can seize books, records, papers, or documents, including library, bookstore, or charitable organization records. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), fear of the Patriot Act has caused a marked decline in charitable contributions to Muslim groups and memberships at U.S. mosques (Romanowski, 2009). Americans clearly feel that any association with Islamic organizations will make them suspect, the ACLU maintains. (Mayer, 2009)

The nature of the war on terror—which is being fought to prevent civilian deaths rather than protect territory or other resources, as is the goal of most wars—also contributes to the confusion over ...
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