Russian Revolution

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Using Dahl's Criteria For Democracy, Was The Russian Revolution Democratic?

Using Dahl's Criteria For Democracy, Was The Russian Revolution Democratic?


At the beginning of the XX century, In Russia, there are objective and subjective conditions of revolution caused, first of all the peculiarities of Russia as the country's second tier. The most fundamental prerequisites are four key factors. Russia remains a country with underdeveloped democracies, no constitution, no guarantees of human rights that the government dropped the activity of opposition parties. After the reforms of the mid-XIX century peasants received less land than they used to reform to ensure its existence, causing social unrest in the countryside. Growing in the second half of XIX century contradiction between the rapid growth of capitalism and the remnants of feudalism created the objective conditions of discontent, as the bourgeoisie and the proletariat (Malone 2004, p.56). In addition, Russia is a multinational country in which the position of non-Russian peoples was extremely difficult. That is why the great mass of the revolutionaries were those who came from non-Russian peoples (Jews, Ukrainians, Latvians). All this indicated the readiness of entire social groups to the Revolution.

Revolutionary actions

Revolutionary democrats united in the understanding of how the transformation of Russia. This path associated with the construction of socialism in Russia on the basis of community and collective ownership of means of production (Fitzpatrick 2008, p. 45). The construction of socialism, VG Belinsky conceived as a way of revolutionary change and the expropriation of landed estates and possessions, Herzen was an advocate of peaceful revolutionary change without violence and civil war.

Revolutionary action due to the above contradictions precipitated by such events as crop failures and famine in several provinces, in the early XX century. The economic crisis 1900-1903 led to the marginalization of large masses of workers, the defeat of Russia in the Russian-Japanese war. By its nature, the revolution of 1905-1907 was a bourgeois-democratic, because it aimed at implementing the requirements of the overthrow of the autocracy, the establishment of a democratic republic, the elimination of the caste system and landlordism. Used tools strike and the strike, and the main driving force the workers (proletariat).

Stratified systems and internal contradictions of bourgeois parliamentary only organic state. Due to bureaucratic processes of strong political empowerment of the opposition parties with respect to the bureaucracies of political parties. In government, the strong class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the traditional sectors of the bourgeoisie been supporting the technocratic oligarchy of government. On the one hand, and the working class on the other, might trigger such truly revolutionary.

State of this type have been behind many of the revolutions of the twentieth century and may lead to the complete disintegration of the political bureaucracy of the party-state organic and organic concentration of all powers, with the decisive help of the oppressed classes, in hands of those sectors of the opposition political bureaucracy formally organic that have become autonomous. These, then, when the revolutionary phenomena acquire a particularly violent to justify in the face ...
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