Schizophrenia Mental Disorder

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Schizophrenia mental disorder

Shea, J. (2009). Coming Back Normal: “The process of Self-Recovery in those with schizophrenia”. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Data retrieved from, on October 2, 2011

In this article, Shea discusses multiple researches have determined the impact of self-identity in recovery from contagious and mental diseases. In this paper, researchers determine the self-identity as a key part of recovery in individuals suffering from schizophrenia. This approach was chosen to develop an understanding of the process of self-identity reconstruction as described by individuals with schizophrenia who was living in the community. In paper 1, results show that people who were diagnosed as having schizophrenia disorder experience significant changes in the self-identity following the onset of illness.

It can be related to the social interaction, self-identity development, social competence, experiences in life, and level of illness suffered. This implies that self-recovery process from schizophrenia enhances in situations where individuals have a strong relation to the social environment and has an inherent capability to undermine negative thoughts.

Jenkins, J. (2005). “Subjective Experience of Recovery from Schizophrenia-Related Disorders and Atypical Antipsychotic”, International Journal of Social Psychiatry, Data retrieved from, on October 2, 2011

The author Jenkins examines the subjective experience of schizophrenic patients and people suffering from schizoid-affective disorders about the recovery from the problem. Subjective experience of schizophrenic patients was being assessed though ethnographic interviewing, observations, and questionnaires. Second paper shows that personal power and control has greater subjective impact on the capacity of an individual to recover from mental disorder condition. Second paper highlights the cultural aspect influence on the recovery from illness, in addition to impact of medications, on a person's health. Addressing the social relationships, and living conditions allow people to make significant improvements in reducing illness symptoms, instead of relying heavily on medication.

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