Stem Cell Research

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Stem Cell Research

Stem Cell Research


Stem cell research is conducted with both embryonic and adult stem cells, and with both human and animal cells. In this study, the way arguments are constructed in scientific questions is determined; in other words, how the problem is presented, who takes which position, what the systems of knowledge or beliefs invoked are, and what the value of the expressed arguments is. In general, scientists, writers, businesspeople, consumers, or journalists take different positions, based on their scientific and experiential knowledge or belief systems according to either opinions or divine revelation. in general, scientists, writers, businesspeople, consumers, or take journalists different positions, based on scientific and experiential their knowledge or belief systems according to either opinions or divine revelation. In addition, the value of the arguments is mainly pragmatic and ethical. Because creating a stem cell line from an embryo requires destruction of the embryo, some people object to the process on religious or other ethical grounds, arguing that destroying an embryo is the moral equivalent of killing a human being.


Embryonic stem cells

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Stem Cell Research

Research on Stem Cells

Embryonic stem cells are the raw material from which we are all facts. These cells have the capacity to become any body part, as instructed. Scientists now have good reason to believe that by providing the exact instructions, they will one day be manufactured by these cells has almost everything the body needs to heal. A diabetic could thus obtain cells producing insulin all new. For people with multiple sclerosis, we could control the stem cells to repair the damaged myelin sheath of the electrical circuit of the brain (Wertz, 2002). In the case of hepatic impairment, stem cells could be induced to form a new liver (

This argument reverses cause and effect. The supernumerary embryo has no special status. He is a man like any other and, by virtue of its existence as a human being; he is entitled to legal protection of its constitutional and moral life, and full human dignity. In truth, the supernumerary embryo is cut their chances of survival because he was placed by human hands in this precarious situation of "homeless," outside the womb safe and comfortable. The surplus embryo is a weak, innocent, not responsible for remaining "surplus" when the method of artificial fertilization Fivet, because it will not be implanted in the woman, when a control optical quality example shows that it does not meet the standard. The existence of the supernumerary embryo is just a consequence of our human action focused.

Embryonic stem cells Embryonic stem cells have two unique qualities: they can divide quickly and can turn into any cell type in the body. Scientists would like to cultivate embryonic stem cell lines that divide indefinitely. That inexhaustible source of cells that can replace any tissue of the body could help treat or even cure many more diseases. It recognizes the enormous potential of stem cell ...
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