The Holy Spirit

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The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts

The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts


The Holy Spirit is a coherent entity which does not ignore the person's personality. It did not behave insulting to the person because it is God's intelligence body, emotions and will. It came to the people only when they believe the gospel. God wanted to highlight the reality that the Holy Spirit rested upon them since they previously believed the gospel of wind and water. Nevertheless, usually people assume of "Pentecost" as the moment in which the Holy Spirit descends from heaven through mystical symbols with a loud noise.

Promise of the Holy Spirit

Receiving the Holy Spirit is the promise of inheriting the kingdom of heaven by the believer. Giving the Holy Spirit is signed and the completion of the promise inherent in cutting the New Testament. Formulation, "the promised Holy Spirit" emerges a lot of times in the New Testament. Peter said in his sermon, the baptism of the Holy Spirit has chosen weeks. "This is God's promise to give the Holy Spirit to those who are forgiven their sins as the Apostolic Faith beautiful. Jesus' disciples were assembled mutually as they await the fulfillment of God's promise to send the Holy Spirit. Indeed, the Holy Spirit came to them at last.

The fulfillment of the Promise

Subsequently, this is why the renewal conferences these days believe that man can obtain the Holy Spirit in the course of prayer, by laying on of hands or through fasting. Phenomena such as the entry of demons, loss of consciousness, enter a daze for numerous days or uncontrollable tremors are not the actions of the Holy Spirit. Formulation, "the promised Holy Spirit" appears many times in the New Testament. Peter said in his sermon (Acts 2:38-39), the baptism of the Holy Spirit has chosen weeks. "This is God's promise to give the Holy Spirit to those who are forgiven their sins as the Apostolic Faith beautiful.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Transiting New Covenant and Old Covenant

Those who want to keep the law contend that the Ten Commandments are not part of the old covenant. For them, the old covenant only applies to civil and ceremonial laws of the Law of Moses. The Word of God does not confirm this interpretation. God said He would make a new covenant. For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would be no question of replacing one second. There are portions of the Bible comprising of two parts which are called, the New Testament and Old Testament. These words come clearly on what God said to Jeremiah. God made the first covenant with the people of Israel when he led out of Egypt. The first alliance was based on the law. This law was summarized by the Ten Commandments and detailed in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

These books, together with that of Genesis, are the foundations of the Old Testament and are known as the Torah or ...
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