Tougher Laws On Prescription Medication

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Tougher Laws on Prescription Medication

Tougher Laws on Prescription Medication


In order to prevent the usage of prescription medicines, US should impose tougher laws. The main purpose of this paper is to propose an idea of introducing new laws for the prescription pills. The rate of prescription pills is increasing day by day. It is seen that the sale of the prescribed pills is increasing day by day (Burrell 2005). There is no tough law imposed on the sales of the prescribed pills. Retailers even sale these pills to children, as a result, they can misuse these prescription pills. Thus, the negative consequences of these pills are increasing day by day. Therefore, it is very necessary for US constitution to impose new and strict laws for restricting the usage of prescription medicines.

Thesis Statement

The main purpose of this thesis is to state that there should be tougher laws to reduce the consumption of prescription pills. In US, the usage of prescription laws is increasing day by day, and number of death arising from such usage has also increased. Therefore, in order to prevent these death, it is necessary that strict laws should be imposed on deaths caused by the usage of such drugs (Chen 2005).

There is an increase in the usage of prescribed pills. These pills are prescribed by physicians for the weight lose, birth control, and for sleeping. These pills are used in overdosed that is harmful, which means that the overuse of these drugs is not good for healt and it can even cause death. According to research, the number of deaths from the usage of prescribed pills is increasing day by day (Chivite 2005). The main reason behind these deaths is that there is no tougher law for the sale of such pills. It is noted that the retailers, in order to increase their sales, sale these pills to any customer without knowing the reason. There is a great need that retailers should ask people to show the physician's prescription. After checking the physician's prescription, retailers should sell the mentioned amount of pills to the customer (CND 2005).

There are different types of prescription pills, and all these types have negative aspects.

Birth Control Pills

These pills are also termed as contraceptives, and these pills are used to prevent pregnancy. The overdoses of birth control pills start when a woman starts taking these pills more than the recommended amount, either intentionally or unintentionally. For hormonal contraceptives include birth control pills containing artificially synthesized hormones, which in its composition and properties are very similar to a hormone produced in the female body - estrogen and progestogen (Bossong 2005). Modern oral contraceptives contain either one type of hormone (progesterone) or two (progesterone and estrogen). In the first case, they are called "mini-pill" ("Mikrolyut", "Ekslyuton"), in the second; they are called combination therapy (Lyugest "," Felyudin "," Mikroginon "etc.). Also, distinguish monophasic, two-and three-phase preparations. Monophasic preparations consist of a set of tablets, ...
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