Biological Aspects Of Addiction

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Biological Aspects of Addiction


In this study we try to explore the drug “Heroin” and the clinical aspects linked to it. The main focus of the research is on “Heroin” and its effects on the human body. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Heroin” and tries to gauge its effect on the human body. Finally, the research describes the view point from biblical perspective, which ultimately affects the society overall.

Biological Aspects of Addiction


Adolescence is a transitional phase during which the individual capital is particularly vulnerable and fragile as the point of views that somatic psychic. The teenager is facing a serious change in his inner experience and its relationship to the outside world. Managing emotions play a fundamental role in this period, the young person to integrate emotions as different as the feeling of love, anger, rebellion and embarrassment. This work of adolescence, strongly entangled with the physical transformation he underwent, pushed him towards a process of individuation, the search for self, of identity in relationship with others. In a society ever more demanding performance from those of younger and younger, the margin in the management of emotions continues to shrink. Besides with a weakening of family structure, it is likely that many young people are deprived of parental model stable, which further aggravates the situation. Drugs threaten to become a temptation, acting in support of this difficulty managing emotions in a satisfactory manner. Unfortunately, this is a double-edged sword. What might seem like a strategy of "control" of emotions is paying too much in the long run.

Heroin, diamorphine or diacetylmorphine, is an opioid obtained by acetylation of morphine, the principal alkaloid from the opium poppy.

It is used for medical purposes, but mostly illegally in frames of recreational uses. The tolerance to heroin is important, and its chronic use results in a very strong dependence physical (withdrawal syndrome).

The pharmaceutical heroin comes in the form of a fine white powder, but in the street, it may be in the form of powders, brown, beige or white, more or less fine. Sometimes the product is compressed into "stones" in its packaging. There is also a solid or paste form, very impure, produced in Mexico and imported to the U.S., the black tar, its importation into Europe is anecdotal. The color and appearance of the product depend on its purity (some stages of production to obtain a purer product and white is omitted) but also products of cut used. The color is not a reliable indicator for judging the quality, nor is the presentation as "pebbles": it is very easy to recompress the powder after cutting (Musto, 1987).

There are names as numbers. These define different preparations:

Heroin No. 3

Also designated under the terms brown heroin, brown-sugar, brown, golden brown, brownstone, brown sugar, it's heroin-based, unlike salts (hydrochlorides and sulfates) it is traditionally produced - to be smoke - and consumed in Southeast Asia because it is not soluble in water although some consumers add vinegar or lemon to turn it into salts (acetates ...
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