Church Growth

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Church growth

Church Growth


The growth of Pentecostal movements is present since the beginning of the twentieth century in the United States of America (Read, Monterroso . & Johnson, 1969). The themes of the extraordinary meeting held at the Vatican are attended by more than one hundred Catholic cardinals from around the world. The Federation of Pentecostal Churches (BFP) is an association of Pentecostal Evangelical Free Churches, and as such part of the worldwide Pentecostal movement. It has the rights of a religious community as a corporation under public law. This paper is a proposal for a study that will be conducted on the church growth development mission for entire congregation.


The modern Pentecostal movement was born on January 1st of 1901, in a small Bible college in Topeka, Kansas. The school was led by Charles Parham, a minister Methodist with a background in the Holiness Movement. There was then an "awakening" Protestant, commonly known as "Pentecostal revival", which soon spread to many denominations and churches around the world. Pentecostal churches are mostly evangelical churches derived from Protestantism which aim to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ for all nations, a Pentecostal church, can work independently or be affiliated with a religious organization with greater coverage. Despite the large sub-divisions of the Pentecostal churches, together, are those with greater growth after the Catholic Church with about 400 million adherents worldwide and constitute over 80% of Protestant churches. Its doctrine is based on four fundamental doctrinal principles that Jesus Christ heals, saves, baptizes with the Holy Spirit and comes (Währisch-Oblau, 2009). The Pentecostal Church is considered as one of the most conservative churches in the evangelical world. The core beliefs are mentioned below:

Believe in the Trinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Believe in Jesus Christ as the only savoir of ...
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