Euro Disney: The First 100 Days

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Euro Disney: The First 100 Days

Euro Disney: The First 100 Days


Disney land and the historical theme parks by Walt Disney Co. have flourished by following the formula which stress upon exceptional customer services and splendid physical environment. This formula has proved to be a success in United States and Japan, as well. However, the Euro Disney's controversial opening in France has resulted in the reasons to doubt the international appeal of the formula. This paper demonstrates a number of solutions and recommendations for the implications of Euro Disney.


The first implication of the Euro Disney is that it does not implement the expectations and standards of French. Therefore the first recommendation for the Euro Disney is to adapt the French expectations and standards. The visitors ought to feel their culture and traditions reflecting in the theme parks. Euro Disney must focus on a single theme in the parks, which should be French culture. The park should introduce different French wines within the park. However, it must be taken care of that wine collection must only be offered to the adults and must be given in a limited amount. This will ensure no liquor abuse in the park.

The second recommendation is the employee development. For the development of the employees, they should be given proper training and coaching. They should be motivated and encouraged at each step of the process. The most important thing in the employee development is communication, working together as a team and trusting each other (Loveman et al, 1992). The HRM of the Euro Disney can help ensure that proper training, coaching and seminars are conducted to further develop the employees of the organization. The employees need to have faith and trust in each other. They have to respect each other ideas and suggestions. They members of this events team ought to be encouraged to build help build self esteem of each other and support one another. For this, they should be assign tasks together, when those tasks are completed, they will share a sense of accomplishment and sense of unity among themselves which will help in building trust and faith in one another. When the team members help and encourage each other, they will automatically start working as one and will accomplish their tasks in easily and efficiently.

The third recommendation for Euro Disney is to improve the communication process amongst the employees and ...
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