Exercise 29

Read Complete Research Material


t -Test for Independent Groups I

t -Test for Independent Groups I

Were the groups in this study independent or dependent? Provide a rationale for your answer.

At the two-group test of significance of the difference: it is a question of whether the expectation values ??of the two populations from which samples were selected randomly, are different. In contrast, the equivalence tests go into the question of whether the expectation values ??of the populations are equal. In this study the groups i.e. men and women are independent as the entire means except two presented in the results section in table IV are significantly different. Independent groups will include data (measurements) of samples that are unrelated to each other, thus collected independently (for example, the physical functioning of men and women). The aim of data analysis could be the comparison of quality of life and the decision whether the differences between the mean values.

t = -3.15 describes the difference between women and men for what variable in this study? Is this value significant? Provide a rationale for your answer.

The magnitude of t value for the variable of Mental Health is -3.15 is significant, as the p-value for this variable is 0.002 which is less than the level of significance i.e. 0.05 so it is statistically significant.

Is t = -1.99 significant? Provide a rationale for your answer. Discuss the meaning of this result in this study.

The results in table IV suggest that the magnitude of t value for the Health Functioning is -1.99, which is considered statistically significant. The t ratios indicated the differences between males and females for health functioning in this sample. The t value is significant because the p = 0.049 value is smaller than alpha (a) that was set at 0.05 for this study.

Examine the t ratios in ...
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