Hand Washing

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Hand Washing - Solution Education and Implementation of a Hand Washing Policy - A Literature Review

Hand Washing - Solution Education and Implementation of a Hand Washing Policy - A Literature Review


This paper will attempt to present a literature review in order to address the issue of hand washing education and implementation of a hand washing policy. In order to do so adequately, the discussion will engage in an in-depth analysis of secondary sources pertaining to the subject area. These secondary sources (journal articles) will be closely analyzed for their conceptual model/theoretical framework, instruments or tools used, instrument validity and reliability, study sample size and data analysis method used. Furthermore, the discussion will attempt to present an elaboration derived from a brief summary on each article and an investigation into how each study supports the research study. An extensively detailed break down of the analysis of specific studies for the purpose of the development of the literature review has been appendiced.

Individual Summaries of Selected Articles

Adjibolosoo, S. (2011). The Evolution and Implications of Human Resources Regulations and Policies: A Critical Human Factor Analysis. Review of Human Factor Studies , 17 (1), 90-134.

Promotion for learners educational backgrounds and/or professional variety. Young graduates alongside students who have already served as a caregiver (Vidyashankar, Varma & Patki, 2011). Others are from a vocational rehabilitation and have never worked in the hospital sector or health facility. This heterogeneity of the public is a factor that the trainer should take into account all the lessons. It will play an essential role in the dynamics of the group trained with the confrontation of diverse approaches (Stutz, et al., 2008).

The teaching of hand hygiene practices can not be reduced to a set of techniques and procedures scientifically validated (Bissett, 2010). Before being attached to the hospital environment, hand washing refers to everyday life. From a young age, with his parents and in the community (nursery school), children are introduced to hand washing and its ritual. Many years later some of these children become young adults are choosing to follow the training of nurses. This is accompanied by his hygiene practices from a socio-cultural context that students integrate training IFSI Taking into account this factor is crucial to the implementation of a training project on hygiene hands (Devnani, Kumar, Sharma & Gupta, 2011). It is based initially on the representations that students wash their hands and more generally "of clean and dirty." Training is provided to invalidate a period of three years alternately due to clinical teaching shared fifty percent with theoretical teaching. The first weeks of school are held at the Institute of Nursing Training and based on theoretical and practical work in a laboratory (Hiler & Turner, 2012).

Boyce, J. M. & Pittet, D. (2002). Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings - Recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report - Recommendations and Reports , 51 (RR-16), 1-45.

Infectious diseases, who had twenty years ago, significant reductions in incidence, currently represent a global challenge ...
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